
Ancient Japanese martial art
Age groups: children and adults

Ancient Japanese martial art
Ancient Japanese martial art

In our Dojo we study nine ancient schools of martial arts of Ko-Ryu, which have been preserved and passed down to us from patriarch Hatsumi Masaaki, who in turn received them in their unadulterated form from the hands of his teacher, great master Takamatsu Toshitsugo.

The training program includes the following disciplines:
- hand-to-hand fight (ninpo taijutsu);
- possession of different types of weapons (sword, stick, spear, etc).
The strategy and philosophy of martial arts are also studied.

Ninjutsu is probably the only martial art that embodies the traditions of more than a thousand years of the development of Japanese art of warriors - shadows (Ninja). And one of the few martial arts the main task of which is the development of consciousness and spirit of the warrior, through studying of real combat technique and psycho-physical practice.

We have no age and gender restrictions, both children and adults, both men and women, can work with us.

Welcome to the training!

Comprehensive development of one's own body and all natural qualities (strength, speed, endurance) by methods that allow you to be healthy and flexible throughout your life.
Defense techniques against any opponent (armed or unarmed). Learning traditional Japanese weapon (sword, spear, stick, etc.)
Mental and spiritual development, education of the best qualities of a person.
Our Dojo is open to everyone. We do not have any restrictions on gender or age.