

Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is significantly different from all other martial arts practiced. Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a realistic oriented martial art and therefore cannot be a sport. This also includes seizure or strikes by hands, prohibited at competitions. The technique is so that in case of an attack the opponent gets as much damage as possible to protect and finish the fight as quickly as possible. If someone attacks us, we use everything that we have at that time to protect our lives, for whose life or justice. There is no judge who would stop the fight before it becomes dangerous. In addition, we can not have a second chance. It was in our art a thousand years ago, so is today. As a result, the ability otherwise is very dangerous and, it would seem, cruel, that is why Keiko (training) takes place in a very calm atmosphere, with an emphasis on safety.

The skills we practice have always been dangerous, because they arose in the turbulent times of medieval Japan. That is why even today all the equipment is carried out realistically, which helps us to develop our abilities, spirit and character and prepares for possible use in real attacks, which can happen with us on the street.

Nevertheless, we do not pay special attention to the speed of implementation. Instead, we focus on the right distance, timeliness and rhythm, and also eliminate our own and find bad moments of the opponent. Speed comes by itself, depending on the level of our understanding of movement. If the sport aspect had been included, his sense would have been lost, and it would have become unrealistic.

Taijutsu is self-knowledge, it is acquisition of combat skills for the body and consciousness. This is a very important part of the training, which is the basis of the whole ninjutsu.

Taijutsu can be divided into the following parts:

  • basic fighting movements and positions – kamae (body and mind position);
  • different ways of movement – ukemi gata taihen-jutsu (ability to fall, roll, jump, etc.);
  • percussion technique – dakentai-jutsu (ability to perform strikes with different parts of the body – fingers, fist, elbow, knee, foot, head, shoulder, etc.);
  • grab, compression and twisting of joints – gyaku waza (twisting of the brush, elbow, shoulder, neck, fingers, etc.);
  • the technigues of throwing – nage waza;
  • the technique of stranglehold – shime waza.


In ancient times, Ninja used a large arsenal of weapons, both commonly known for the soldiers of Japan, and “secret”, which is only a certain tradition. Of course, the warrior ninja had to be used in all kinds of weapons it used in combat – it was his life, his family and clan that depended on it.

But the most important thing is that the ninjutsu developed a universal method for studying equipment with weapons – several basic movements were practiced, which had a universal nature – movements could be applied with any kind of weapon or without weapons. That is, it is not a study of many separate martial arts (sword, knife, stick, etc.). – and knowledge of one universal art of movement and fighting with the use of weapons, against weapons and without weapons.

We all understand that over time the types of weapons and their use are changing, and therefore, the Ninjutsu need to develop the ability to possess any kind of weapons, even those we did not hold in our hands. That is why we practice the techniques of combat with “old” types of weapons in order to acquire such ability.

Below are the main types of weapons for our practice:

  1. Ken-jutsu or to-jutsu (art of possession of sword, different kinds of blades);
  2. Bo-jutsu (art of possession of a stick, studying different types of a sticks, etc.);
  3. Shuriken-jutsu (“Art of throwing the blades”);
  4. Kusari-gama-jutsu (art of possession of sickle with chain);
  5. Kusari-Fundo (art of possession of the chain);
  6. Yari-jutsu (art of possession of the spear);
  7. Naginat-jutsu (art of possession of different types of battleaxe);
  8. Kakushi Buki ( “hidden weapons”, these are many types of weapons, for example, “hand claws”, fans, etc.);
  9. Kyu-jutsu (shooting from bow);
  10. Kayaku-jutsu (use of fire, fire-arms and explosives).

Besides the tai-jutsu and the art of possession of weapons, we study the following sections:

  1. Tanren – body tharting (development of natural force and power).
  2. Junan Taiso to Kokyu Ho – practice of body flexibility and motion, breathing methods and exercises.
  3. Strategic art and tactics.
  4. Spiritual purification and mental development.